About the author
Eva Piatrushina
Here to share my experience and make your day little bit better 🩷 Working in field of Game Design for PC AAA titles with passion and a data-driven approach.
Journal 12 Eva Piatrushina August 14
In this article, I want to share my experience making a checklist for World of Tanks PC in Wargaming and explain why you as a Game Designer or your team need to do a similar initiative.
Let’s start with a small glossary:
In my company, we always review existing processes and make optimization (save time and improve quality) if needed. The main task was to improve the quality of the pre-production phase on the designer’s part. The fewer mistakes in the initial phase, the better for further work on the feature.
Do you know what it means if the game is 13 years old? Legacy, big legacy. By legacy I mean technical limitations and existing game systems and rules. You can’t easily get rid of them (even if you want). Now you understand what means to work with GaaS.
In a large game company, people come and go, so their knowledge. Our memory is cool but don’t rely on it too much. Not to miss any dependency (each mistake costs a lot, and by the way we are making AAA) it is better to have one place to store them. The checklist was the best solution.
For writing down we had Confluence, but each word processor as Google Docs or Notion is cool.
MS Teams for online meetings and chatting since our team was distributed.
From experience, I will say that 3 to 6 people is the ideal number for working together.
Our team consisted of volunteers, no one was forced, so everyone was interested in working on this initiative.
If all are responsible, then no one is. Read more about the RACI matrix methodology.
Thanks, Angelina Mikhaevich for responsible ownership of this initiative.
Otherwise, we would do this task endlessly. Deadlines must be specific and understandable. And, of course, the whole team must be aware of it. For example, we should describe 10 dependencies by next Friday.
Choose a field you are good at and do research. Each was responsible for the parts where they had the most expertise.
In some cases, we decided to do vise-versa and take something unknown to us to study, because we have more motivation than on usual work days.
Discussing one issue from different sides and points of view will help to come to a good solution. For making the best brainstorming I recommend reading the description of technique from BABOK v3.
Errors and typos are possible and this is normal, but you need to catch them. A fresh look at done work can help to find imperfections.
Thanks, Julia Shturich and Наталия Грабова for useful feedback.
Sometimes it’s more effective to get together for 5 minutes and talk through problems and blockers out loud than in a long correspondence via chat.
Well, I decided to make a clearer example and have chosen GaaS Genshin Impact (a pretty popular game).
For each feature, we copy this document and go through each point. Write it down as an action item if something is to be done or checked. For example, go to the legal team to ask about unicorn horns.
For really small features you can skip going through the checklist. But try not to do this to avoid missing something.
As a result, we presented our checklist to the design team, processed the received feedback, and integrated the checklist into our daily work.
P.S. Thanks for reading my first article ever! I hope you’ve found something particularly useful for you.
About the author
Here to share my experience and make your day little bit better 🩷 Working in field of Game Design for PC AAA titles with passion and a data-driven approach.
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