What Designers do in the Gaming Industry.

What Does Designer in the Gaming Industry? 🖌️

The most common myth is that a designer draws sometimes. That is not always true.

There are different types of designers in GameDev. Game Designer, Balance Designer, Combat, UX, Narrative, AI, Level, Economy, etc. But design is always about making decisions🛤️

In smaller companies, designers can have a wider area of responsibilities, while in bigger have a narrower specialization. An example of this can be the presence of 3C or Rewards Designer.

Designers can use different tools like Figma, Unreal Engine, Confluence, Excel, etc. So the result of their job can vary. Some can make documents or scripts, while others’s audio or spreadsheets.

Are you aware of the designer’s responsibilities? Which is the most interesting for you? 🔨

P.S. Sometimes it is easier to explain to your family that you are paid for playing games.