Wood Nuts & Bolts Puzzle: Challenging & Demanding Match Puzzle Game

📈🚀 Wood Nuts by Abi Games Studio Hits $500K/Day in Overall Revenue! $450k/day is ad revenue!  🚀📈

3️⃣ Three things drive this success; Clever ad placements, challenging gameplay, and a massive userbase of 4.5 million DAU.

💡 Key to Wood Nuts’ revenue model is interstitial ads, appearing after every level. With an average session length of 20 minutes, users encounter about 6 interstitial ads per session. The key here is that inter-ads are shown also when a user fails a level. As this is a hard game users will see a lot of interstitial ads.

🔥 Wood Nuts challenging gameplay that requires users to stay focused at all times to pass levels. Users can unlock 3 different sets of boosters and one more position slot by watching RV ads. That means that users can watch up to 4 RV ads per level meaning that RV.

🔑 The formula for Wood Nuts’ success is clear: high-quality ad placements, a large and engaged user base, and very challenging gameplay. These elements combined have positioned Wood Nuts as a Mobile Publishing Juggernaut!

Tune in for this week’s two & a half gamers on Youtube or Spotify to learn more about Wood Nuts UA (🦩 Matej) and Game Design (Jakub)!


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