How to Make Players Pay in F2P games?

Make them feel like they DON’T need to pay.

Be generous and patient.

Make your game exciting and addictive, even without spending money.

There will always be players who want more. Who want to advance faster.

  • Monetize this desire for something “extra”.
  • Don’t hide all the fun behind a paywall.
  • Offer additional value for payment.

Consider games like Monopoly Go or Royal Match.

There players can enjoy the game for a long time without hitting a hard paywall or facing shortages. Free rewards are constantly showering down.

Why pay for anything in these games, you might wonder?

Yet, these games are among the highest earners in the world.

They create great value for players upfront.
And even non-paying players enjoy the game.

So, be generous. Be patient.

Ensure players don’t feel forced to pay.
Let it be their choice because the game is cool and they want more.

You will be surprised how effective this monetization strategy can be.