
VR to Mobile: I Am Security

Andrei Zubov

I Am Security: From VR to Mobile 📱

Ranked №1 among the Top Trending Free Games last month, I Am Security by New Folder Games has already surpassed 11M downloads since its February release—and it’s still climbing, with over 450k daily installs 💣

Originally launched as a VR experience on Meta Quest, the game has now made its way to mobile, which is not a very typical case for this type of games!

In I Am Security, players take on the role of a bouncer, scanning guests for prohibited items and ensuring they adhere to the club’s dress code before allowing entry 🔍

The game’s viral success can largely be credited to YouTube and TikTok, where creators have showcased the many ways to “abuse” their power as a bouncer—yes, there are quite a few questionable interactions you can have while checking guests 😈

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