
Mobile Gaming Benchmarks 2025


Checked GameAnalytics‘ Report?

The report is based on data from 11,600 gaming applications across 9 regions on 2 platforms (iOS & Android) in 16 different genres. The MAU of all projects used for the report exceeds 1.48 billion.

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Retention Benchmarks

❗️The report uses classic, not Rolling Retention.

  • By the end of 2024, the average D1 Retention for the top 25% of games ranges from 26.48% to 27.69%. This is worse than the 2023 results (28-29%). For the least successful 25% of projects, D1 Retention is at 10-11.5%.
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  • On iOS, the top 25% of projects have a higher average D1 Retention – 31-33% compared to 25-27% on Android.
  • The median D7 Retention across all projects ranges from 3.42% to 3.94%. This is, again, lower than the 2023 results (4-5%). For the top 25% of projects, this indicator is at 7-8%, while for the weakest 25% of projects, it barely reaches 1.5%.
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  • 75% of projects have a D28 Retention lower than 3%.
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Playtime Benchmarks

  • The median daily playtime across all games in 2024 is 22 minutes. However, for the top 2% of projects, this figure can reach 4 hours.
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  • Projects like Roblox contribute significantly to the overall playtime. The Guardian notes that Australian children aged 4 to 18 spent an average of 137 minutes per day on Roblox.

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Session Length Benchmarks

  • In 2024, the average session length for the top 25% of projects in the market was 8-9 minutes. The median is 5-6 minutes.
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Session Count Benchmarks

  • On average, a player has 4 sessions per day. Android players have more sessions than iOS users – the opposite of the Retention figures.
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  • Midcore projects have the highest number of sessions per day – 6-7.

Regional retention benchmarks

  • The highest average D1-D7-D28 Retention indicators are in the Middle East – 22.64%, 4.91%, and 1.49%, respectively. Europe and Oceania also show good figures.
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  • User retention is worst in Africa and Asia.

Regional playtime benchmarks

  • The highest average playtime – contrary to the Retention figures – is in Africa, at 26.85 minutes. The situation is worst in Asia – from 21-22 minutes.
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Regional session length benchmarks

  • The longest average session length is in Oceania – 6.85 minutes. The lowest are in Africa and Asia (around 5 minutes).
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Regional session count benchmarks

  • The highest number of sessions is in Africa (5.45 per day) and in Middle Eastern countries (4.71 per day). The lowest is in North America (3.67 sessions per day).
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Genre Benchmarks

  • Arcade games lead among genres in short-term (D1 Retention) retention. However, they have problems with long-term retention.
  • The best genres for medium and long-term retention are board games, card games, puzzles, and casino games.
  • Interestingly, multiplayer projects are leaders only in session length. But they are far from the leading genres in both overall playtime and number of sessions.

Source & GameDev Reports

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