
8 Steps on Mobile Game Production

Gökhan Üzmez

“A mobile game? Anyone could make that”
Not true:

Most game developers fail, often.
Not because they don’t have the passion.
Like many, they usually overcomplicate things.

How they think they should launch a game:

🚫 Build a game, pray and hope people play,
🚫 Spend months on unnecessary details,
🚫 Skip marketing, “if it’s good, players will come.”
🚫 Fail bad, feel stuck and eventually, give up.

How you actually launch a game:

✅ Research, build, and test based on data,
✅ Set up a UA campaign with small budget,
✅ Track how Real players actually behave,
✅ Adapt, improve, update and repeat.

If you’re waiting for the “perfect game”
You’re already losing, not gonna happen.

Stop overthinking and start building.


Happy Sunday!

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