
Mobile Non-Gaming pps in 2022-2024

How are the mobile non-gaming industries performing? How does the user behaviour on Mobile look like in different countries? What can we see based on the data? This is a common question I receive when talking to industry professionals.

There are a lot of good data sources about (ie. amazing report State of Mobile 2025 released just recently by Sensor Tower ) and I decided to add my part there :). I includes a lot of data points around non-gaming apps categories, ie: Finance, Retail, Travel, Tools, Utilities, Productivity etc.

All details how non-mobile gaming was behaving in 2022-2024 you can find in my report 📕 📕 📕 – almost 60 pages with different data analyses, data points around mobile non-gaming (from various data sources).

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#apps #insights #mobileapps #nongaming #finance #retail #utilities #productivity #tools

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