
20 Lessons From Running a Game Studio

Anton Slashcev

20 Lessons From Running a Game Studio

Here’s what Mykola and I learned after years of running game studios:

1. Focus beats headcount
↳ A small, sharp team > a large, distracted one.

2. Passion drives the business, but discipline sustains it
↳ Passion starts things, but discipline keeps them running.

3. Something will always go wrong
↳ Plans fail. Adapt quickly and keep moving forward.

4. Build a culture, not just games
↳ Strong culture fosters creativity and happier teams.

5. Speed > quality > quantity
↳ Fast iterations are great, but never sacrifice quality.

6. Players are your compass
↳ Listen, observe, and adapt based on their feedback.

7. Build a pipeline, not a one-hit wonder
↳ Create systems that let you learn, improve, and reuse.

8. Partnerships are a force multiplier
↳ Collaborate to unlock opportunities you can’t do alone.

9. Kill your darlings
↳ Let go of games that don’t meet expectations, even personal favorites.

10. Good onboarding is non-negotiable
↳ Smooth onboarding hooks players from the start.

11. Love the games you make
↳ Passion shows in the final product—players can tell.

12. Timing is everything
↳ Even great games fail when released at the wrong time.

13. Talk to your players
↳ Reviews and playtests give invaluable insights.

14. Crunch culture = burnout
↳ It leads to lower-quality games and exhausted teams.

15. It’s a long game
↳ Success takes time—patience and persistence are key.

16. The market is always changing
↳ Stay ahead of trends and monetization models.

17. Own your failures
↳ Celebrate wins, but take personal responsibility for mistakes.

18. Iterate, don’t perfectionist
↳ No game launches perfect. Improve continuously.

19. You can’t please everyone
↳ Focus on making your core audience happy.

20. Network like your studio depends on it
↳ Because it really does.

Running a studio is tough, but these lessons make the journey smoother.

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