🚨New Features in Meta AGAIN!🚨

It seems that Meta has been introducing many new changes to its platform lately. Last week, I showed you the ad fatigue warning and this week I saw two new updates.

The first one is a new creative format called “FLEXIBLE” which allows you to mix videos and banners within the same asset item so the algorithm can decide the format for each user. You can add up to 10 creatives mixing different sizes and formats.

I feel that this is the next step after the Advantage Creatives toggle (I think that was the name) that they previously had at the ad group level.

This allowed you to upload creatives in the same way but you just had one creative item with ALL the assets within it. In this case, you can have multiple items with multiple assets within each item, so it is weird haha.

The second one is the possibility of scheduling each ad independently. This is super useful if you want to run specific promotions and so on.

It is time for testing! Let me know if you also see this!